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  • Writer's picturePrestatyn Town FC

Catch up: An update from Chris Morrell

First team coach Chris Morrell took his time to give an update to supporters about the club:

'The people at the club, staff and players have worked incredibly hard this summer so this is just an update from our side to our supporters and to let them know their support really matters as in the big picture. It almost feels we are like a new club starting in Tier 2 whereas others have started in tiers below.

New owner, new committee, new management and a whole new team all within the past 6 months so trying to bring experienced players into the club is a challenge as they are understandably at the moment unsure of how or where we'll fit in but we hope to change that with the hard work going in.

That's not to say losing any game for Prestatyn Town is accepted as there has to be a mentality that we are here to win football matches and just 2 league games ago, against all odds and even a points deduction, we kept up Prestatyn from relegation so there are players here who know how to fight.

In our last outing, the average age of the squad was just 23 with all but Kurtis and Robbie being very local lads. So it shows that we are building something despite taking recent blows of losing our captain who is such a high-quality player and leader on and off the pitch as well as another Prestatyn talent recently moving on.

The types of teams in this tier tend to be ones with either experience, where players are used to this level and above, or ‘younger/stepping up’ teams who need time. So while we mainly fall into the latter category, not having a regular pitch all summer due to work on its development has hurt us and made our pre season schedule tough to plan and to be honest, it has been poor as we are essentially looking at players and styles now the season is up and running which is never ideal.

Huge disappointment at Tuesdays cancellation due a failed pitch inspection, but huge credit to the owner and his family that have worked tirelessly on that pitch themselves everyday and late into nights and whatever happens, hopefully this will pay off for the club in the long term

From a football club structure perspective, we are really trying to build one on the go and while it's been brilliant to see 3 or 4 of the new youth/reserve team train with us this summer and even get some recent game time, it's obviously not ideal for their own development to rely on them. So, we are doing everything we can to bring in some help.

We do only carry a small squad so when missing 4 or 5, which we seem to have done regularly, it has a big impact and we then have to ask players to do jobs they wouldn't normally do, which is tough especially when going away to places like Holywell who are a successful, experienced team.

Although Holywell were clearly the better team, played some really great stuff and scored 2 or 3 fantastic goals, some big calls disappointed us, particularly the awarding of a penalty at 2-0 which essentially ended the game.

We are a hard-working, genuine group that is building on the hop in an unforgiving league and we see all the social media frustration and comments-externally and internally. So it feels like we are taking hits from all angles at the moment. But nobody hurts or cares more than us so if we can get our full squad available regularly, get over the line 2 or 3 players that will help us then with a bit of luck, the results will start to match the effort the players and staff are making.

We really do appreciate and need your continued support as we move on to the next fixture with a positive mind-set!'

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